Classes for Your Group
Information on all the classes, workshops, and demonstrations we offer.
Most classes are $6 per student per week (8 weeks = $48 per student)
There must be at least 4 students to form a class.
-- Classes of 5 or less can be held in our studio/office at 393 Denbigh Blvd; Newport News, Virginia
-- Classes of more than 5 must be held at your school, church, or other location of yours
(classes of 4 or 5 can also be held at your location if desired).

Click one of the boxes below to jump to that section.
We offer group piano instruction to a wide variety of ages
Typically ages 7 & up. Piano Adventures is generally an eight week group piano course (course lengths can be altered as needed), usually meeting for 45 minutes once a week. Piano Adventures starts with learning two to three notes (by letter) and continues with learning well known songs like "Mary Had a Little Lamb," and "Hot Cross Buns."
Instruments: We can provide instruments to teach groups up to 6 students
Typically ages 4 to 6. Piano Junior is generally an eight week group piano course tailored to younger children, and usually meets for 45 minutes once a week. It starts with playing on 2 black keys, working on developing individual finger movements, and then moves into reading and playing a couple letters. The course utilizes play along videos, making playing fun.
Instruments: We can provide instruments to teach groups up to 6 students

We offer group guitar, ukulele, and Electric Bass instruction for ages 7 and up
Using a unique curriculum created by Auberg Instructional Innovations composer and teacher, Mr. Jamie, the combination class teaches Guitar, Ukulele, and Electric Bass all in the same class. Students learn to play melodies while reading tablature and reading traditional music notation. Students also learn to play chords.
Instruments: We can rent guitars and ukuleles to students for $20 (for the weeks of the class). We also rent Electric Basses for $25 (limited quantity).
We also offer classes of all Guitar, all Ukulele, or all Electric Bass students.
Instruments: We can rent guitars and ukuleles to students for $20 (for the weeks of the class). We also rent Electric Basses for $25 (limited quantity).

Using the free animation software, Anim8or, students learn how to create 3D models by using and manipulating three dimensional shapes and then animating their models into cartoons. Most classes are for ages 7 & up.
1) Computer Animation: Robots
2) Computer Animation: Castles
3) Computer Animation: Snowmen
4) Computer Animation: Vehicles
5) Computer Animation: Free Style: (students build what they want - for older students)
6) Computer Animation: Junior: (for ages 5 & 6 -- course includes basic computer concepts)
*** Anim8or Software:
The software is free, but only works on Windows Computers. We have six laptops that can be used for computer classes either by themselves or in addition to computers you have. Class size is based on the amount of computers available (1 computer per student).
Stop motion classes are typically for ages 7 & up and use digital cameras and movie software to bring toys to life. Most of our classes use Lego-bricks, but other toys can be used if desired.
I. Figures (focuses on animating Lego Mini-figures)
II. Vehicles (focuses on animating cars, planes, spaceships, etc...)
III. Special Effects 1 (focuses on using a Greenscreen to do various effects)
IV. Special Effects 2 (focuses on using layering to add explosions and other effects)
V. Story Time (focuses more on writing scripts and telling a story with the animation)
Lego-brick Animation Supplies: We have a large quantity of Lego-bricks available for class use. We have six laptops that can be used either by themselves or in addition to the computers you have. Class size is based on the amount of computers available (1 computer per student).

We offer musical instrument experiences for all ages. Our petting zoos include fun demonstrations as well as opportunities to try playing on the instruments.
One Hour Workshop: $50.00
-- We use standard mouthpiece cleaner on all our wind-blown instruments.
-- We have multiple mouthpieces for most of our instruments.
-- Each student receives their own reed for trying Clarinet and Saxophone (there is a $1 per student additional fee to cover the reed)
Our Instrument Educator:
Mr. Jamie is a skilled educator with decades of experience helping students make sounds on instruments.
For the most part, all students can try all instruments. However, due to the "blowing" of wind instruments, very young children may not be successful in making a sound. Also, students with breathing issues (such as asthma) may need to refrain from trying wind instruments.
-- Flute -- Clarinet* -- Alto Saxophone* -- Trumpet -- Trombone -- Violin -- Guitar -- Ukulele -- Glockenspiel -- Snare Drum -- Aux Perc.
*Clarinet & Saxophone have an additional $1 per student fee to help cover the cost of reeds

The Museum of Unusual Musical Instruments (MUMI)
is a unique musical experience. It includes both demonstrations and a hands-on exploration of musical instruments that are not in common use. Classes can be of any size, but larger sizes will limit the amount of hands-on that can be done.
(One Hour Workshop: $50 total)
The Auberg Instrument collection includes
-- Melodica -- Native American Flutes -- Native American Double Flute -- Hulusi
-- Fife -- Meditation Steel Drum -- Chanter -- Bosun's Whistle -- Bodhran Drum
-- Mountain Dulcimer -- Suona -- Thai Bamboo Circular Panpipe -- Lyre -- Log Drum
-- Digital Wind Instrument -- Mini Theremin -- Mini Accordion -- and other instruments!

393 Denbigh Blvd; Suite 2
Newport News, VA 23608
(Visits are by appointment only)